20 years of God’s Grace
“If every one of them were writen down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”
For the past 20 years our church has gone through many ups and downs, and we are grateful to our Lord for His faithfulness in keeping us by His grace. We would like to praise our Lord by presenting our stories as His witnesses. There are certainly far more stories that we can present here in this space. Feel free to explore our Moments to find out more.
Stories from Our Leaders

Founding Senior Pastor, FEC Arcadia
The Vision for a New Church Plant
After much prayer and seeking the Lord for his guidance and leading in church planting, the pastoral staff…Continue Reading 開始閱讀 | 3 mins read

English Congregation
House of Worship: God’s Divine Gift to FEC, Arcadia
Without any additional effort by the Search Committee, God just dropped the Monrovia property in our lap…Continue Reading 開始閱讀 | 3 mins read

Pastor, Grace Covenant Disciples Church
The Start of a New Church Plant – GCDC
恩上之家 – 一個新植堂的開始
We had long discussions and prayers about whether God was sending us to this new community to…Continue Reading 開始閱讀 | 4 mins read

English Pastor, FEC Arcadia
Overcoming Past Challenges
Having been here since the beginning, there were instances when I thought we would not be able to continue…Continue Reading 開始閱讀 | 3 mins read

Coordinating & Cantonese Pastor, FEC Arcadia
What about the Future?
Whether we can continue to be used by God in the future requires the concerted efforts of all…Continue Reading 開始閱讀 | 3 mins read
Stories from Our Congregations

I’ve never known life without church and the people in it. There’s people there who visited me in the hospital when I was first born, and I’ve seen babies go from infants, to toddlers, to children. The people at FECA are so inexplicably loving, and have an empathy and understanding of each other that can only come from God. I’ve done a lot over the past 16 years with this church, but the most special moments to me are the little things. Getting to play games with the little kids, teach them, comfort them. Singing and laughing together with my friends. I’m so incredibly grateful that this church was started 20 years ago, and I pray everyday that we will continue to grow and flourish! :))))

I am grateful for the church community. Because of the Youth, I was brought closer to God and know I am certainly loved. I learned how to love others as God loved us first. They taught me how to foster lasting friendships. I can now call the church as my other family as brothers and sisters in Christ. While we feel like we are alone in this pandemic, remember that we aren’t alone: God is always by our side and our family (while not physically present) is with us spiritually because of the Holy Spirit that unites us together.

I fell asleep in the chapel on my sister’s lap when I was in Awana. I was eating a candy cane.

A few weeks ago, I realized that I was always looking forward to coming here. The people were always nice, and coming always purged unhappy memories. So, I hope the good times continue, and I wish the same to the newcomers.

My first memory of this church is when I first came to the children’s program in July of 2018. The first person I met was Pastor Kenn. I felt very lost at first since I don’t know anyone. I came again a few more times eventually in 3 years, I joined the youth group. Now, I know pretty much everyone now and I feel like I am part of them now.

Considering that I was born into the church, I have a lot of fond memories. My fondest however, would be during Christmas when I was very little. It was my first time singing. Although I did not know much I opened my mouth and started screaming. A friend and I decided to scream as loud as possible. Luckily I am better now. Now I am in worship. Don’t worry I don’t scream.

Hello! This is for the church’s 20th anniversary. I’m part of the youth congregation!
One of my favorite memories is when we previously did family care groups where the families would meet together with their kids. It’s a setting I grew up in and over the years, set the foundation for my future relationships intergenerationally with many other church members. I’m so thankful and encouraged by the adults whom I’ve met over the years at this church. My favorite place to be is the chapel where I have many memories of being actively part of the youth group and have seen God working tremendously there. Happy 20th Anniversary!

We joined the Mandarin Congregation from FEC, Glendale when Arcadia Church was planted in 2001. We are very grateful to the Lord for so much grace and blessings for the past 20 years. Both our daughters, Anita and Serena, were baptized in the church when they were in the youth group. Chit-Sang’s mother was also baptized in the church. We have had opportunities to serve God and people in many capacities. We are grateful to learn and receive supports from the brothers and sisters around us. Their prayers are essential for our lives in joy and peace.
我們從2001年建堂開始就從母會轉到國語堂。我們為過去20年神的恩典和祝福獻上感恩。我們兩個女兒Anita and Serena在青少年時在教會受洗。哲生的媽媽也在粵語堂受洗。神给了我們許多事奉的機會。我們很感謝在我們周圍的弟兄姊妹身上得到幫助和學習,他們的代禱是我們得到喜樂和平安生活的重要原因。

My name is Arlaine Chandra from English congregation. FEC Arcadia is a place where I grow spiritually. We meet weekly in a small group. In the small group I learn how to apply the teachings of the bible. My sisters in Christ and I pray and encourage one another. We bond like sisters, we laugh and cry together. Throughout the pandemic, we are able to continue to meet through zoom. This has been a source of strength and encouragement for all us during the times of uncertainty. I am grateful to God for bringing me to FEC Arcadia.

可能你們也估到她是誰,是的!是Chelsea 小妺妹 在這裡感謝祈禱會勇士一年不斷為她祈禱 感謝Pastor Andrew 在瀑布下為她施洗,感謝Gordon在大海尋回我 感謝Agapa小組的支持 感謝林牧師對我們一家的關懷 深深感受到主耶穌在我們一家的大能
感謝主 哈利路亞!



2021因為疫情的原故,大家不能回教會了。但神使用我做司儀,首次在新年時候,和一班同工一起利用Zoom 在线上和大家相聚,有诗歌分享,猜燈迷,玩游戏,拜年,將福音分享到全世界,是—次難忘的经验,將榮耀给上帝

我的名字叫Judy Kong, 中文叫黃韻琴。是一位精神病患者,不多不少都受到別人的歧視。自從12/2/2012參加FEC, Arcadia聚會,一直都沒有隱瞞我是有精神病。
在2017年,我與Kent Nip弟兄分享我在中信月刊的見證,及在佳音社的見證錄音帶。不久Kent問我想不想在教會感恩節講見證。我答:「令神的名得到榮耀,我願意。」後得楊長老的准許,又獲得David Kwan弟兄編排,製作一張video,在感恩節播出來。我那種被人接納的喜悅,難以用筆墨形容。因為在以前的教會,有些人是拒絕我的。


崇拜講道結束後,我就獨自坐响大堂外,風景優美舒適的長木櫈上,但突然見到有幾位姊妹很熱情行過來同我打招呼問好,關心我係吾係第一次或邊位介紹我來。當時我回答說係跟Loretta一齊來,但我內心感到有點害怕與吾習慣她們咁熱情,真的令我內心感到好吾自在,好想快點離開,不過我又與Loretta一齊carpool, 她非常忙吾知去左邊度,我又搵佢吾到。有幾次Loretta就託Lynn載我回家,過後每星期日Loretta照常過來與我carpool, 我同之前一樣崇拜後照常坐在木櫈上,臉上冇乜表情,冇笑容與吾主動同其他人交談與打招呼,每次有人過來就好冷淡敷衍地回應,過後我已拒絕Loretta吾再與她carpool回教會。直到2013年感恩Eric答應陪我返教會,於2016年聖誕節當天我們決定一齊在眾人面前受浸接受主耶蘇成為基督徒,內心好興奮與感恩神帶領我們勇敢站在講台上分享見證。

一九九六年移民到美國後,非常失意,曾經考慮輕生。但神沒有放棄我,最後在City of Hope 找到一份醫學病理研究及獸醫學生助教,更得上司欣賞給我一個”Legendary”(傳奇人物)的外號。

It was God’s guidance that I found FEC Arcadia Church 4 years ago. I was a student in a Christian Middle School in Hong Kong > half a century ago, before immigrating to US. But I never felt the urge to follow God.
My aunt/ uncle who are devoted Catholics came to visit us from San Jose and stayed for few days. I looked for Catholic Church so that we could bring them for their daily worship. Then the thought of looking for a Christian Church came up. That’s when I started joining and Thank God I did. Also Thanks to my dear husband Frankie who fully supported me and joined me after his retirement 3 years ago. I was baptized in July 2019.

I came to FEC Arcadia in 2007 while we were still meeting at the middle school in Arcadia, and became a member in 2008. I have grown with the church through many ups and downs in the past 15 years. The BIG moment for me is when I met my wife May here in 2007 and we became the 1st Arcadia church couple to get married in our new church building in Monrovia in Feb, 2009. What an honor! I thank God everyday for the beautiful bride that He gave me, as well as this wonderful family that we are forever a part of.

Bob and Macy Zeng first came to FEC Arcadia’s English Congregation in 2002. During then, we worshiped at First Avenue Middle School’s auditorium. On 2003 and 2004, both our children, Shyanne and Clinston, had their baby dedication ceremonies respectively with Pastor Mongens and Pastor Donald.
Back then, we joined the best fellowship group! It mainly consisted of families with young children. (Can you recognize each of these kids?) In 2014 & 2015 Christmas season, I had a blast organizing the children and youth for the nativity scene with string orchestra presentation. On December 20, 2015, my daughter who turned 13 was baptized by Pastor Nick.
From 2016 till now, we have joined the Mandarin Congregation. We were truly blessed by Pastor Phillip who embraced our family and recruited us to lead worship. Our family has been enriched by the FEC brothers and sisters, pastoral staffs, AWANA program, Sunday schools, retreats and many festive events. May God continue to bless FEC Arcadia!



Reply to @Wilmin Lam & Murphy Wang



When I was invited to teach Children Sunday School 10 years ago, I was nervous and felt that I was incapable. But God had abundant providence and a plan to give me training. After God’s leadership and a period of service time, my confidence to serve in children ministry had grown. I feel that God had inspired me to become His instrument to nurture the children spiritually. It is my honor and pleasure to serve in His name. Thank God for giving me a ministry position to continue to sow the seeds of the gospel and glorify Him. When I saw some of the pre-school children in my class before had been baptized, entered university, or came back to help teaching children Sunday school, I could not stop praising God’s grace and blessings to our next generation.

20th Anniversary Joint Thanksgiving Program